Dr Sandra Hirsh

SLIS Director’s Presentation to Focus on In-demand LIS Skills

DrHirshJoin the SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter with special guest Dr. Sandra Hirsh, director of SJSU SLIS, on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 5:30 pm (PT) for a discussion:

From the Employer’s Viewpoint: Desired Skills and Knowledge in the LIS Profession

What specific skills do employers today look for in both traditional and non-traditional LIS positions? What knowledge and experiences are prominent in current job listing requirements? And what opportunities are available to students to gain these skills, both within and outside the curriculum? These are just some of the questions that will propel the discussion. As well, Dr. Hirsh will highlight how to maximize experiences at SLIS to attain the essential skills and knowledge sought after by today’s employers.

Participants will gain insight on how to match courses and pathways to current job listing requirements. They will also hear how internships and extracurricular activities can help provide a competitive edge by enhancing the student’s skill set and knowledge beyond the curriculum.

Following  the presentation, Dr. Hirsh will be available to answer questions about this valuable topic.

The presentation will take place online via Blackboard Collaborate. Please watch your email for the Collaborate link.

Individuals requiring real-time captioning or other accommodations should contact Sue Alman at alman.sjsu.@gmail.com as soon as possible.

We hope to see you there!

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